
Tuesday 24 February 2009

Letting go

A couple of months ago I was going through quite a dark time, in terms of hypnosis at least.

At no point since September when I took my first steps into the hypnotic world have I ever had any complaints about my development as a hypnotist. I feel as though my skill and confidence has always been coming on by leaps and bounds, and the inspiration and confidence to try the next new thing never seems to stop flowing. It's an amazing journey and I've thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it.

Well perhaps something I could complain about is the lack of a steady stream of attractive young female subjects knocking on my door and demanding to be hypnotised right now, but I wouldn't because my girlfriend might decide to read this and apology meals out are expensive.

Anyway, given my recent successes with actually experiencing hypnosis as the subject I find it quite hard to believe that it was such a short time ago that I was very worried because nothing seemed to be working. For me it such a horrible feeling to think that perhaps I was just incapable of experiencing any of the amazing things I've been sharing with others. It had me thinking that there was something fundamentally wrong with me.

It was at this time that I went to a couple of my regular messageboards on the internet looking for help on this issue. I should, I thought, be able to get a straight answer to the question of whether my response would improve if I kept trying, or was I to be stuck being a hopeless case for life? I needed to know.

I was actually quite surprised, shocked even, at the lack of any useful response from anybody. Normally the hypnotists on these boards are brimming with definitive and helpful advice, but my experience has been that on this issue a significant number of hypnotists are pretty tight lipped, and most of the rest are just useless.

One phrase kept coming up though: "Let go"

At this point I was completely committed to being hypnotised and felt that I was holding absolutely nothing back in my attempts to feel something... anything, for something to work, and yet of course nothing was.

"Let go eh? Oh! Thankyou! If only I'd thought of that one earlier!"

I needed reassurance that people could get better over time. I was clearly missing something important about what I was supposed to be doing and wanted to know what that might be. But to keep getting that same, useless, meaningless, phrase over and over and over was so infuriating.

Let go of what?! I not holding onto anything! Be glad I'm not, because if I was I would probably throw it at you!

I am in a situation where I am able to look at this and find it amusing. I feel I have overcome this particular hurdle; I know now that I can become a brilliant hypnotic subject if I put my mind to it, which of course I intend to do. I eventually found that missing piece of the puzzle, and now it really feels as though hypnosis is working for me. The future looks exciting.

The reason why I am referring back to this now is that for some reason the thread I started on one of these forums has jumped back into life. More people have visited in order to advise me that what I really, really, need to do is to... that's right, you guessed it, "let go"!

Either that or first give me an anecdote of what their first time being hypnotised was like, how easy it was for them, how deep they went and what a profound experience it was. Just, in fact, what someone who's clearly upset that they aren't experiencing anything at all and wondering if they never will wants to hear.

Then they tell me I need to "let go".

For me this is a wonderful example of the concept of anchoring, albeit unintentional. At the time I felt that if just one more hypnotist told me to "let go" I would actually scream. A strong emotional response and compulsive action initiated by an external trigger.

I have since gotten this under control.

I now merely fantasise a mental image of myself brandishing a claymore above my head and screaming celtic war cries as I charge headlong into a crowd of hypnotherapists, who for are all for some reason dressed up as medieval monks and chanting "let go! let go!" from under their hoods.

Just a moment. I'm going to savour that image of flying severed limbs and pocket watches. It is rather satisfying.

So anyway everything's on the up and the future looks bright, but please don't ask me to "let go".


Anonymous said...

It's no use:


Philip said...

BlackMeridian, I just stumbled upon your blog today. I am very curious about what it feels like to be hypnotized, but don't know anyone who know hypnosis, so I went on a "self-hypnosis" rampage on YouTube, much like you mentioned in your post "Tranceproof? Or not..." In fact, this is how I found your blog.

BTW, I have also stumbled upon Isabella's material. Out of curiosity, decided to watch the last 30 seconds before actually watching the whole thing through. *whew* I'm glad I didn't watch it starting from the beginning... and I'm glad to hear that you were able to snap out of it!

I've tried posting online, but I bet you can guess what everyone told me ;). I've tried so hard to relax and just "let go" that I even psyched myself into thinking I was hypnotized. During one video I watched, my I was so confident that it would work that my hand really was floating upward. I was so excited... until my arm got tired.

So, I guess I'm the way you used to be... really wanting to be hypnotized, but nothing works. Some YouTube videos I watchd have hundreds of success storied posted in the comments, but they don't work. I must say that upon reading your post "Definitely not stuck", I'm happy for you that you were finally able to experience it. Although I envy you, I enjoyed your description of what it's like, even if I can't experience it for myself.

Unfortunately, I don't know anyone who knows hypnosis. Maybe someday I'll have the chance...

Until then, I'm glad that I found your blog... and I wish you the best of success with hypnosis!

Parkey said...

CaspianXI, you are absolutely welcome to read my blog. In fact I go to the trouble of writing it because I like to share these stories with anybody who's interested.

My advice to you is to stop worrying about whether it's working on you, because it is. If it feels like perhaps you're acting just keep doing that and notice how, if you accept it, it's easier to act along than not to. That my friend is hypnosis.

My contact email is on my profile. If you want to chat about this more over MSN or skype by all means drop me an email.

Lizzidoll said...

Or, when you bore of his ramblings, you can contact a woman who can put BlackMedidian into a trance within the space of two seconds.

If, for which you would prefer to speak to me (and why wouldn't you? I'm damned awesome!) my email is also on my profile ;)

Parkey said...

Awwww! Is this Liz trying to find herself a new toy? One that doesn't bite back perhaps.

Careful lass. If you play with fire you might get burned.

Lady Ru'etha said...

I'm sorry people gave you advice that didn't help.

My advice would have been:

You are being too hard on yourself, and you are assuming what hypnosis feels like. The fact is that it's individual for everyone. "Letting go" isn't always the answer. Sometimes the answer is to completely overload on everything until the brain says "screw off" and drops down.

Also, going into hypnosis is a skill, like anything else. Some people DO have to work harder at it. That's OK. If that's what you want, then pursue it. But be easy on yourself as you go along. You are your own worst critic.

My beloved pet Copper had this exact same issue. I just worked with him and worked with him and now he goes as deep as quickly as anyone else. I told him over and over that he was worth waiting for, and I was right.

Unless you are brain damaged, there's no such thing as a hopeless case. As you've since found out! I'm delighted to read that you've already moved past things. But you're right. "Letting go" is not always what you need to do.