
Monday 5 January 2009

Visual ambiguosity

Happy new year!

Well, I'm back at work and back to my lunchtime blogging, so this will be a short one.

Something that I have heard from a lot of other hypnotists, and I feel also applies to me, is that for a lot of people learning hypnosis is in many ways nothing new, but merely applying a name to something that it already there inside oneself. Here's an example of how I was reminded of this recently.

For Christmas my girlfriend bought me a big book containing the works of M.C. Escher, my favourite artist. Saying that he's my favourite artist is high praise indeed from me, because generally speaking I can't think of anything more boring than art. The book contains all of his most famous works, and I think it was was a wonderful present!

I've always been captivated and fascinated by the way Escher toyed with reality, but it's only recently that I think I've been able to start to understand why.

Two constructs which make sense in themselves, but form a non-sequitur when put together. Now, I'm sure that's familiar from somewhere...

Escher's works demonstrate to me the way in which the human mind will attempt to make sense of something it sees, even when there's no logical solution. This is, of course, something which will induce trance.

Some of his other works also show the tendency of the human mind to look for patterns in nature, which is inherently chaotic. Again, this is trance inducing.

I wonder if he ever realised that he was a hypnotist...

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