
Monday 30 November 2009


Well, I very nearly made it through the whole of November without writing anything!

I would like to be able to report that my lack of posts over the last month or so has been down to my being extremely busy hypnotising lots of people. Truth be told this couldn't be further from the truth and whilst I have been busy with things such as work and my girlfriend, I have also been suffering from a complete lack of enthusiasm for all things hypnotic.

The first issue I've had is the age-old one. I simply haven't been finding the opportunities I need to get hold of people to hypnotise. Going out an finding people in Oxford would be the best idea, but I'm really not so keen on the idea of going it alone. There are regular meet-ups in London of course but to go there takes quite a long time, costs too much for me to go more than once a month, and in any case the atmosphere in central London isn't one I feel particularly comfortable in.

I think the biggest issue however comes from my own experiences of hypnosis.

As subjects some people seem to be able to get incredible experiences out of hypnosis, but the more I do this the more rare those people seem to be. For the majority of people the experience is more lukewarm, and for the unfortunate few like myself those experiences don't even exist, at least to start with.

When I first discovered hypnosis I was very excited by all of the possibilities it might present in terms of things I could experience through it, as well as what exeriences I could give to others. The reality for me has been extremely disappointing, and the rewards I have reaped for months and months of working at being a better subject have been tiny.

How the hell am I supposed to go out and sell this to people I approach if my own belief in what hypnosis can really do is so compromised?!

1 comment:

Ben said...

What is it that going out with someone else will give you that going out alone cannot? This is a question that I asked myself a lot and I think I worked out that it has to be the perceived pressure to actually perform: its a lot easier to force yourself out of your comfort zone if you're with someone who you wants you to and whether they're actively pushing you or just being a "base" its very helpful. The first thing I had to work on when I realised this was that only I am able to validate myself and only I am able to push myself out of my comfort zone. Even if some one is with me, it is still myself that applies the pressure until I actually step up and approach someone or make the effort to go out and take a step in the right direction.

Ask yourself what was different when you started compared to now: How were you able to "sell" hypnosis when you first started: you had even less experience then than you do now and OK you're proving a tough nut to crack, but you're not everyone. Get out and find a 20%'er and let them experience something wonderful!